


Number of days available for climatic review

Durata del soleggiamento000000

Durata del soleggiamento000000

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Stazioni meteo nelle vicinanze - Vel'sk Distanza
Tot'ma 124.6 km
Šenkursk 124.8 km
Kamkinskaya 142.9 km
Bereznik 163.5 km
Emeck 200.7 km
Konoša 201.6 km
Vožega 214.1 km
Njandoma 215.3 km
Buj 223.8 km
Nyuksenitsa 245.8 km
Cholmogory 264.0 km
Nikolo-Poloma 267.3 km
Vologda 281.6 km
Kologriv 310.7 km
Kostroma 314.0 km
Luk'yanovskaya 320.5 km
Jur'evec 328.8 km
Pinega 330.0 km
Verchnjaja Tojma 341.2 km
Arcangelo 343.1 km
Kargopol' 350.6 km
Karpogory 354.4 km
Kepina 356.4 km
Turchasovo 359.1 km
Tunoshna Airport 363.9 km
Mud'yug Ostrov 373.2 km
Severodvinsk 388.4 km
Pošechon'e 393.5 km
Nikol'sk 398.4 km
Prokudimskaya 432.6 km
Rostov Velikij 440.7 km
Šar'ja 443.3 km
Sura 444.8 km
Zimnegorskij Mayak 451.0 km
Zimnegorskij Mayak 451.0 km
Rybinsk 453.6 km
Mezen' 456.1 km
Krasnye Baki 469.4 km
Velikij Ustjug 471.9 km
Vetluga 486.6 km
Onega 500.8 km
Aeroporto di Lešukonskoe 513.0 km
Unskij Mayak 517.7 km
Kotlas 517.8 km
Uglič 518.2 km
Vokhma 550.4 km
Šachun'ja 576.4 km
Moseyevo 592.8 km