Avvisi meteorologici Archivio: Giovedì 08.02.2024 22:41 CET - Regno Unito

Warning UK Day 0

Warning UK Day 1

Warning UK Day 2

Warning UK Day 3

Warning UK Day 4

Warning UK Day 0

Warning UK Day 0

Warning UK Day 0

Warning UK Day 0

Be aware
Be prepared
Take action
Coloured regions on the map show where severe weather warnings have been issued.
Warning wind
Warning rain
Warning snow
Warning ice
Warning fog
Avvisi meteorologici, 08.02.2024, Midlands Orientali

Severe Weather Warnings: Neve


issued by the Metoffice at
   21:41, 08.02.2024

valid from
   12:00, 08.02.2024
   18:00, 08.02.2024

Regione: Midlands Orientali


Snow is expected to develop during Thursday morning and become persistent and at times heavy by the afternoon before slowly easing through the evening. Across the warning area, 10-15 cm of snow is expected quite widely but some places, particularly above 300 metres, may see 25 cm of snow. Strong and gusty easterly winds may lead to some drifting in places. What should I do? It is safer not to drive in these conditions, but if you need to make an essential journey, consider alternative forms of transport, to keep you and others safe. If you must drive, do this more safely by: using dipped headlights; accelerating gently, using low revs and changing to higher gears as quickly as possible; starting in second gear to help with wheel slip; maintaining a safe and steady speed, keeping distance from other vehicles; using a low gear to go downhill, avoiding braking unless necessary; steering into skids, not taking your hands of the wheel, and avoiding slamming on brakes. People cope better with power cuts when they have prepared for them in advance. It’s easy to do; consider gathering torches and batteries, a mobile phone power pack and other essential items. If isolated due to snow, follow these simple steps to keep safe and well: keep the thermostat set to the same temperature both during the day and at night; turn off electrical heaters and put out your fire before going to bed; ensure pets are safe by keeping them warm and comfortable; prevent frozen pipes by opening kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing; stay indoors, wrap up warm and close internal doors to keep the heat in; and, if you need support call the British Red Cross Support Line on 0808 196 3651. Help to protect the vulnerable people that you know including older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone; they may need support with food and medical supplies. If you are worried about your health or that of somebody you know, ring NHS 111. Stay up to date with the weather forecast for your area and follow advice from emergency services and local authorities.

Chief Forecaster

Snow is expected to cause travel disruption across the Peak District and south Pennines on Thursday

The public is advised to take extra care, further information and advice can be found here: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/links.html

Local Authorities: Derbyshire